Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Sun Also Rises...In Bristow VA


The World According To Me said...

What dramatic pictures! Love them.
Hope all is good in your world.

Katherine said...

Hubby got us a good camera over the summer and by golly, it's a GOOD camera! I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Hope Jolly 'ole England is as pretty as it has been here! Good to hear from you!

Doug said...

Ms. Gotthardt,

My wife and are relocating for career purposes. We were looking at the VRE routes and visited the Bristow Station development. Could you tell us about your experiences in the area, would you recommend it, is it a good place to raise a family? I have a 6 year old daughter and am looking for a lovely spot for her to grow up. Thanks, CDR Mowell.

Katherine said...

Doug, thanks for stopping by! I've answered your question here: