Thursday, March 7, 2013

Why the Title, Katherine?

I launched this blog May 31, 2007 as a way to separate my "fun" writing from my more serious pieces on Tenacious Poodle (originally entitled "Luxurious Choices" to match my old website's name).  While I like the title "Bull Run Writings," mostly for the alliteration and memories garnered at Bull Run Regional Park, I find there is not much writing going on here and that it's certainly not all about Bull Run, perhaps because initially, I was merely attempting to escape my obsession with Manassas Battlefield and redirect my attention.  I soon discovered, however, that the historic and hiking experiences I had in Manassas were not those I found at Bull Run.

Bull Run Regional has a history of its own, and it's left in me indelible memories of digging in the sand playground with its unique concrete tubes, swimming and splashing in the water park and toasting marshmallows at night next to our camping cabin.  The trails, alive especially during Bluebell season, provided Shiba and I hours of easy strolling.  (In fact, someone even wrote an article about the park and interviewed me, asking questions about why Shiba and I walked there.)  Wading up to our knees in the cool creek, seeking salamanders, spotting minnows and other small fish and collecting fresh water shells have been part of our Bull Run experience.  And yet, I've not written about these adventures for a long time.

I have taken plenty of photos, however.  In fact, you will discover at least half of this blog is devoted to photos of family, friends and nature, as well as short vacations.  But again, not much writing has been posted, and for that, I feel a bit guilty about abandoning the original purpose of this blog.  I feel bad for it, like it's lonely or something.  Ridiculous, right?  However, writing is a living thing, a fluid thing, similar to things in Bull Run Regional Park.  Photos, kids' quotes and art are also alive in their own way, but the name of this blog is misleading, and I don't like to mislead people. 

I could change the name name, maybe to something like "Inspired by Bull Run Regional."  That would have the alliteration I like, as well as the accuracy I'm seeking. I'll think about it, brainstorm, as writers are wont to do.  Then I'll decide.

In fact, I think I just did.

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