Monday, July 28, 2008

After Briefly Attending a BOCS Meeting

We were only there for twenty minutes or so, but from the testimony and the compassion they hold for others, the girls have formed their own conclusions about the immigration debate here in PWC. As part of their home-summer-school experience, they reported back their thoughts on the meeting (though like many adults, they admit being confused by the process).

Kids don't naturally hate, discriminate, or care about borders. They inherently want peace, security and love in their lives. It is up to us to provide those things for them.

"I think that all people can have rights . So all people have to be nice to them . If you do not be nice they might lose hope because there is a war going on . So let them stay in the United States."

by Alexandra, age 10


"I just have two things to say. Why are you doing this and what drives you to do this abomination? Why treat immigrants so poorly? I know that some came here illegally but that does not mean to treat them like dog dung! You sir have to learn like we all learned in preschool--always be kind to one another!"

by Erika, age 11


dive said...

Yay, Kids!
Perhaps ther IS hope for the future after all.

Katherine said...

Here's hoping!