Thursday, December 6, 2007

What We Did on the Snow Day original poem typed up and emailed on an icy morning while off from school.... Understand how slowly she types and the concentration it requires to get the full effect of these efforts. Erika wrote this completely on the computer, and we edited together.

by Erika Mooney

Snow is extremely cold.
It can be packed and thrown.
It also could be a snowman.
Snow can cancel school!
Snowflakes are in many shapes and sizes.
Snow, snow, snow, I just love snow.
DO YOU LOVE SNOW???????? original piece typed and emailed (an arduous task), Alexandra had worked on this at school. The piece describes cat, Fiona. Thank you to Alexandra's fabulous teachers for bringing out the best in her writing!
My Fat Cat

My cat is huge. Dad just thinks that my cat fat, but she is not fat. So we put her on a diet and she lost two pounds, but she is still fat. My Mom just likes to pick her up and make her run, but she’s still fat. Erika thinks she needs good food, but she's still fat. I think she is cute, and she will be my cat forever even if she’s fat.

The End.
by Alex


singleton said...

Ahhh, beautiful!
Just beautiful!

Katherine said...

Thanks, S! Good to hear from you!! : )

Katherine said...

Thank you, happy! Glad to have you stop by.