The kids, the husband, the dog all feel it too, the anticipation of release, the hugs from Grandma and Grandpa, the drop-in family members, the Uncle who has a history of taking in strays (people), the time to work on scrapbook, sewing, reading, the celebration of birthdays and holidays. Something happens when love abounds, when peace is at its best. It begins with a healthy family.
When we go to Grandma and Grandpa's, my eldest often likes to dress up. This is not unusual for her, but what's unusual is her thinking it's a special occasion, which of course, it is, though we do it so often. In the summer, it's bathing suits, but she still prefers skorts to shorts and sandals or shoes to sneakers. Not so with the younger one, who lives in jeans and t-shirts. Getting her to wear shoes is a conversation I reserve only for holidays now. Choose your battles.
But at the moment, preparing is not so automatic. The routine of getting ready fragments with the excitement, and the kids forget they need to do things before we can leave. They must dress, brush their teeth, pack, eat breakfast...all the usual things plus extras.
I hear foot stomping upstairs. I better go check if we expect to get away!