We are happy to have found yet another unexplored park and one with wonderful water...Lake Brittle. I have been wondering where all the real lakes are in Virginia.
We'd looked for this place before and never could find it. It's rather tucked away, and we needed the website directions to get there (not much signage). It was well worth it, and the drive is lovely...through sections of still preserved farmland and woods. What a breath of fresh, albeit hot, air! And I bet this place is gorgeous in the winter.

A sweet local boy shows us all how to catch crayfish and what frogs' eggs look like. 
We find a hurt bird on the trail and try to ease its passing.

The walks and docks make this a perfect place for fishing and meandering.
Butterflies and dragonflies feast on t
he shoreline.
Maybe next time, the boat rental office will be open and we will get to row in the water.
Looking forward to going back to visit the butterflies.