"I'm never going to wear makeup again."
We'll see how long that lasts.
Erika: I can't find my glasses! I've looked everywhere!
Us: Let us help.
Hours later with no success.....
Girls: Mom! Dad! Can we watch a movie?
Mom and Dad: Yes.
Five minutes later...
Dad (fiddling with it for five minutes): I don't know what's wrong with this thing. The tape won't go in.
Five minutes later....
Daddy: ERRRRRRRIKA......what are your glasses doing INSIDE THE VCR????
Erika: I don't know! I don't know! I didn't put them there!
Daddy: Did you put them there Alex?
Alexandra: No.
Ten minutes later.....
Alexandra: Okay. Yes. I did put them there. I wanted to play at trick on Erika. (ages 10 and 11)
Me: I have a lot of papers to grade. I don't know how I am ever going to get them done.
Alexandra (age 9): My teacher has to grade lots of papers. She has forty!
Me: Teachers have to do so much work! I don't know where they get the energy."
Alexandra: "They get it from food when they eat!"
The geese had bands around their legs. "Oh!" I said, pointing to one male. "He has a band around his leg. Do you know what that means?" I asked the girls.
"Yes," said Erika, nine at the time. "That's for social security." (Erika, age 9)
Daddy was holding Alexandra's stuffed bunny rabbit, and she wanted it back. Daddy pouted and held it close to his chest, pretending he didn't want to give it up. "Don't worry, Daddy," she said. "You have ME!" (age 7 at the time)
Erika, age nine at the time: "Some people say that butterflies are the souls of people."
What a lovely thought! (Erika, age 9)
"Alexandra, take chill pill," I said.
"A chill pill? Is that like amoxicillin?"
(age 8)
After watching the movie and listening to music from Phantom of the Opera: "The Phantom should watch Hunchback of Notre Dame. That would make him feel better. Quasimotto looked ugly, too, but his friends loved him and helped him and he didn't hate anyone. "
They might not have said this had they read the original book, but.....they have the right idea, don't they? (ages 9 and 10)
__________________________________Erika shouting at the bus stop: "Bye Mom! Love you! Don't let Shiba eat cat puke today!"
I'm going to get her for that. (age 10)
Erika to her teacher at the teacher's conference: "Ms. M. You have bed head!"
After giving Erika my "look" : "It's okay. Sometimes I have bedhead too."
We're still working on those social skills. (age 10)
Erika (age 10): "I know how you met Daddy."
Mom: "How?"
Erika: "On e-Harmony.com"
Pause. Mom: (after fits of laughter, because it's just not the same world it used to be) "Well, you're kind of right. Except it was Yahoo Personals."
Kind of makes me wonder how THEY will meet their future loves.
At three years old, Erika was accustomed to a baby gate across her door, giving her time to play quietly before she took a nap in her toddler bed.
One day, I decided to see if she would nap without the gate.
"Mommy!" I heard, as I walked down the hall.
"What honey?"
"I can't sleep without my nap-time cage!"
Something to picture:
Alexandra, age ten, riding on her bike, holding a dead beaver by its tail.
"I wanted to bring it home to bury it."
Erika, age 12, talking to Sallie, the dog, who apparently felt her be-hind wasn't as clean as it could be: "Sallie--stop butt surfing!"
Alexandra, age 11, upon seeing a wig: "That thing freaks me out. I'M KEEPING AN EYE ON YOU, WIG!"